Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2006
Memorial Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Martha Waite (5:20 PM– 7:00 PM), Mark Johnson, Mary Ricker
OTHERS PRESENT: Joyce Crouse, Agent, Randy Mizereck, Consultant, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary
The Board of Health Meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM
14 Nottingham Circle: Presentation by Lew Reed, Wachusett Environmental, proposed use of Knight Treatment Systems for Remedial Use basis to repair failing system. This system is DEP approved for under 2,000 gallons per day, and requires yearly maintenance. He’s asking the Board to consider this system as a viable option for repair of a system that failed Title 5 on June 13, 2006. TABLED for more information.
521 Manning Street Parcel A (map 66/parcel 23): Doug Andrysick, Andrysick Land Surveying Inc. for Donald Whitney, new construction. The applicant is submitting revised plans for approval, showing the requested changes on the plans, and locating the present septic system. NO ACTION, PREVIOIUSLY APPROVED.
Lot 1 Manning Street: Doug Andrysick, Andrysick Land Surveying Inc. for John Hadley, repair. The applicant is submitting plans for Local Upgrade Approval. Abutters have been notified. This system is exempt from the Watershed Protection Act, and is 85’ from the catch basin. M. Ricker informed the applicant that she is an abutter. Owes $30 review fee.
Board of Health approval is contingent upon an approved ANR plan from the Planning Board, approval from DEP, DCR, and local and state authorities.
A deed restriction is mandatory due to a change from 2 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms.
Plans need buoyancy calculations.
Maximize distance of well to SAS.
Two (2) additional deep holes, and observation, are required per 4/21/06 revised Title 5 regulations.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with conditions # 1 - 6. M. Waite seconded. All in favor.
Lot 2 Manning Street: Doug Andrysick, Andrysick Land Surveying Inc. for John Hadley, repair. The applicant is submitting plans for Local Upgrade Approval. The plans are for a decrease from 4 bedrooms to a 3 bedroom residence. Abutters have been notified. This system is exempt from the Watershed Protection Act, and is 34’ from the catch basin. M. Ricker informed the applicant that she is an abutter. Owes $30 review fee.
Board of Health approval is contingent upon an approved ANR plan from the Planning Board, approval from DEP, DCR, and local and state authorities.
A deed restriction is mandatory due to a change from 4 bedrooms to 3 bedrooms.
Plans need buoyancy calculations.
Maximize distance of well to SAS.
Two (2) additional deep holes, and observation, are required per 4/21/06 revised Title 5 regulations.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with conditions # 1 - 6. M. Waite seconded. All in favor.
The applicant asked the Board to send a copy of the approval letter to Dana Samuelson from DEP.
Lot 2 Rondreau Rd/Miles Ave: Burke Engineering for Bob Erickson, new construction. These plans were previously approved, and have expired. The applicant is submitting revised plans for approval, changing from 4 to 5 bedrooms. The house has not been built. The additional deep observation holes are complete.
Review and approval of plans required from Board of Health Consultant, Randy Mizereck.
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with condition # 1. M. Waite seconded. All in favor.
Lot 3 Rondeau Rd: Burke Engineering for Bob Erickson, new construction. These plans were previously approved, and have expired. The applicant is submitting revised plans for approval. The additional deep observation holes are complete.
Review and approval of plans required from Board of Health Consultant, Randy Mizereck.
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with condition # 1. M. Waite seconded. All in favor.
460 Reservoir Street: Steve Sears, David E. Ross Assoc. Inc. for Robert & Holly Guerin, repair. The applicant is submitting plans for approval of a reduction to 3’ offset from the required 4’ separation between SAS to estimated high ground water.
Approval contingent on September 6, 2006, Con Com approval.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
M. Johnson motioned to approve the plans with condition # 1 & 2. M. Waite seconded. All in favor.
619 South Street: Graz Engineering Inc. for Christopher & Susan Durham, repair. The applicant is submitting plans for approval of a reduction to2’ offset from the required 4’ separation between SAS to estimated high ground water.
1350 Main Street: Holden Sanitation for Thomas, submitting to the Board for informational purposes only. This property is set up for 11 bedrooms. Previously approved system designed by David E. Ross Associates, Inc. on October 18, 2006. Proposed substitution of chambers; changes made to components to eliminate pump chamber; elevations to remain unchanged; system will be higher out of the ground with a 40% size reduction. The request will be taken under advisement.
11 Buckingham Road: MSPE, Inc. for Mark Leighton, failed system. The applicant is submitting plans for approval of a Presby System. They are submitting an application for a Local Upgrade Approval of a reduction to 2’ offset from the required 4’ separation between SAS to estimated high ground water. J. Crouse needs to verify if R. Mizereck needs to sign the soil evaluation on the ‘Request for Local Upgrade Approval’.
The north property line must be staked.
The system must be staked.
Needs buoyancy calculations on plans.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
Must be a 3’ separation from SAS to estimated high ground water elevation.
Provide proper pump calculations.
M. Waite motioned to approve the plans with condition # 1 – 6. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
448 Malden Street: Trifone Design Assoc. for James Vartanian, new construction. The applicant is submitting plans for approval.
Need to show reserve area on plans.
444 Malden Street: Trifone Design Assoc. for James Vartanian, new construction. The applicant is submitting plans for approval.
Needs to show reserve area on plans.
400 Manning Street: Mark Farrell/Green Hill Engineering for Anthony Strickland, repair with 4 bedrooms. The applicant is submitting plans for approval utilizing the existing 1000 gallon tank. J. Crouse needs to research if re-use of a tank is within the Title 5 regulations.
Soil evaluation certification and signature required on the plans.
Must comply with new Title 5 regulations including but not limited to:
magnetic tape needed on all system components
inspection ports are required
risers over d-box and septic tank if finished grade is greater than 9”
Option A: Use of the existing 1000 gallon tank if allowed under Title 5.
Option B: Install a new 1500 gallon tank.
June 26, 2006: Tabled.
July 24, 2006: Tabled.
Unauthorized “non-conventional” use of a decommissioned septic tank. Title 5 regulations require an abandoned system be properly decommissioned. Excavatable flowable fill, a mix of sand and cement, is allowed.
Apple Jax:: J. Crouse updated the Board regarding a requested letter.
554 Reservoir Street: Roland Laprade. System component replacement on existing system. Additional ST needed. Additional deep observation hole and soil suitability performed on August 16, 2006. Removal of existing 1,000 gallon tank is required, or adding a 500 gallon tank to the system. The house has been demolished, and the system has been abandoned for 10 years. J. Crouse will check to see who did the Title 5 inspection.
· BOH inspection WRHS kitchen/cafeteria by J. Crouse and M. Ricker on Tuesday, August 29, 2006.
· Fee structure for additional deep observation holes required by Title 5 revisions of April 21, 2006. J. Crouse will confer with D. Lipka regarding the fee.
· Bullard St, 3 Lots, Randall Talancy: Needs to establish location of adjacent wells.
· J. Crouse will check to see if the Board approved reverting to Title 5 regulations as opposed to Town Regulations. Also will check the approval of staying with perc season December 15th to May 15th.
Wachusett St area: Regarding testing of surface water, P. Harding, Conservation Agent, and D. Getman, DCR, determined this is groundwater run-off.
Next Meeting: September 18, 2006 at 5:00 PM
M. Johnson motioned to adjourn the Board of Health meeting. M. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:50 PM.
August 28, 2006 meeting minutes approved: November 27, 2006
Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary